A branch of medicine and biology, which works with different problems of the nerve and nervous system and also the brain is known as neurology in medical science. A neurologist performs following procedures:
Give solutions to neurological problems.
Provide medication for brain stroke, dementia and amnesia.
Prescribe medicine to keep nerve active.
Diagnose blood clotting in the brain for which flow of the nervous system will not stay active. A neurosurgeon does the diagnosis and the surgery in these cases.
Inactiveness of the nervous system can be the reason for body pain. This is identified by a neurologist.
Give medication to motor neuron disease (MND).
Sometimes, we face cases where the patient cannot move, bend or stretch the arm on command. Most of the times, it happens due to problem in the nervous system. Our neurologist provide solution and medication to these problems as well.
Dr. Md. Muhitul Islam
MBBS, MD (Neuro Medicine) Associate Professor, Neurology Chittagong Medical College Room No: 325 Serial: 01871468304 Time: Call Serial Number